Mark Mabasa, The Ex-X-Factor Comment

After the shocking judgement of Mark Mabasa, this night, another performance will shock the whole world.

The viewers were very shocked after, Mark's exit because the judges prefer Take Off and saw that they were better than him, last Sunday, August 12.

Miss Pilita Corrales  was very sad about the result. But she had hope that Mark will be a great singer and if this might not be his way to stardom, there's another path for him.  The netizens reacted on the exit of Mark and they didn't believe of what happened to the contest. A deadlock happened when two judges vote to Take Off and other two was for Mark. And because of the deadlock, the votes gathered from text and online votes will be the judge between the two contestants. The results found out that Take Off had higher votes than Mark, so, Take Off won.

And this night, another great performance will disturb the world. So watch and be ready to vote your favorite contestants, and remember, remember what happened to Jessica Sanchez. Because people were so cocky, they forgot to vote, vote and vote on Jessica.

But really, I am not happy on his presentation and the song he sang last week. I don't know why he accepted that song.

Photo: Kapamilya News Ngayon
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