Google's Ex-VP turns into Yahoo's New CEO

Recently, stunning news surprises the netizens of the world, as it spreads all over the websites about an executive that will transfer to the company of its competitor. The new CEO of Yahoo is the ex-Vice President on Search Product and User Experience of Google Inc., that’s shocking news, right? But who is she?

Marissa Mayer, currently 37 years old and the ex-Vice President of Google Inc., and the first female engineer hired and also the 20th employee at that time, year 1999. She graduated at Stanford University on Bachelor of Science oh Symbolic Systems and afterwards she took Master’s Degree on Computer Science on the same university. She’s currently and happily married to a lawyer named Zachary Bogue.

Contributions on Google

Mayer was the leader in the product management and engineering on Google’s mobile, local and contextual discovery which includes Google Maps for mobile, Google Maps, Local Search, Google Earth, Street View, Latitude and many more. She was also behind the Google’s current minimalist interface. Aside on those contributions, on her 12 years on Google, she gave her efforts on developing Google web search, images, news, books, products, toolbar and iGoogle.


By her strong leadership and contributions on the company, she was recognized by numerous publications like New York Times, Newsweek and Business Week. And she was even listed on Fortune magazine’s annual Most Powerful Women’s list and she was even the youngest on that list. Mayer received an award from New York Women in Communication, Inc. with a Matrix Award. She was also cited as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum and Woman of the Year by Glamour Magazine.


I hope that she could manage the problems inside Yahoo, and I will wait and be updated on what will be the improvement s of Yahoo on her administration. Her experiences on Google might be a big help to her and this will be a great opportunity to Yahoo.

Photo from ABC News
Source from CruchBase
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