Girls' Generation on their Olympic-themed dress

A sneak preview of the 'High Cut pictorial featuring Girls' Generation' on their Olympic-themed suit, has been exposed.

To show their support for the South Korean athletes, the Girls' Generation members wear an Olympic-based uniforms. The pictorial of the 'Nation's Girl Group' had shown their great fashion sense and parades their individual charms. The brand Bean Pole, provides the uniforms, bags, accessories and heel on the said pictorial.

Apart from the pictorial, the Girls' Generation members also have their interview with their 'High Cut'. The girls said on their interview, "It feels like we will still be 'Girls' Generation even in ten years. Like our Shinhwa sunbaes, [we], as Girls' Generation, have a goal not to break up and to move forward."

The 'High Cut" pictorial will be published this coming July 19. The said magazine can be bought throughout S. Korea in stores like Kyobo Bookstore, Bandi & Lunis and Youngpoong Bookstores and even on the nearest convenience stores near you.

For Apple iPad users, 'High Cut' will also provide an apps that features those extra pictures and videos, as well.

Source from Nate
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