CCTV camera: People forget the “P” on It

Closed-Circuit Television camera also known as CCTV camera, a device used to capture incidents and used on monitoring like buildings, houses and other facilities and it uses a monitor/television. Here in the Philippines, it is commonly used on houses, highways and buildings and even barangay roads. However, there is something that some Filipinos failed to use it to its maximum function, but what is it?

Many incidents and accidents had been caught by the lens of CCTV camera all throughout the year. There is car napping, kidnapping, shooting and even robbery. And all these acts were all caught by the CCTV camera and these will be used when there is an investigation and will be used sometimes as evidence.

A mall was attacked by a group of robbers and according to the news; the security guards looked like they got stunned and some of them got afraid and they just did drop their self. So the robbers succeeded on their evil deeds and they got money more or less 500 thousand pesos and all the incident was caught by the mall’s CCTV camera.

There was a shooting incident where a woman was got gunshot while she’s walking in a lane to fetch her children on school. And the event was captured by the CCTV camera and now, it was used to retrieve the gun man. But the sensational fact was that, the CCTV monitor was located on the Barangay Hall of that place.

It’s a sad fact that all those two events are all unexpected but the question is where the monitoring team is, especially on the Mall robbery? And why they didn’t put personnel to monitor the events captured by the CCTV cameras? These questions were raised by the Ex-Vice President Noli de Castro on TV Patrol last month.

Hey Dude! Why they don't have like us on their country?
I am an avid fan of Nikita, an American Action series, and I saw how they really used the CCTV cameras in order to capture a certain person or event. There is a monitoring team or just a single person assigned to watch over. And this is what some of the Filipinos forget on how to use the CCTV camera to the fullest and this is what I need to emphasize.

Photos from Wikipedia and The Guardian
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